How to make big tail and ears - Holo tail & ears tutorial
Hello everyone! Today I have a fluffy tutorial for you! As some of you propaply know, I bought two Holo cosplays from talented Lena, but without the wig, ears and tail. So I had to make them! There I will describe how to make this kind of tail and ears. I hope it will be helpful to someone!

The tail
So the tail first. It's way easier than it looks, don't worry. :3
What will you need:
White faux fur
Brown faux fur
Stuffing (I bought mine in local store for like 6$ for 1kg and i used only like a third of the packaging, so you don't really need much! I will use the rest for another tails I will make)
Yup, that's all, really! So let's get to work!
First thing you have to do is tracing your pattern. It's pretty easy, just measure how long you want the tail to be (I wanted it to almost hit the floor) and then round it off to make the Holo tail shape. It should be a bit bigger than the required shape you want, because it will go 3D after you stuff the tail, so it will get a bit smaller.
I reduced the top part of the shape I'm showing you below, because I wanted the top part to be thinner, just like Holo's tail is. If you're not sure with the size of the pattern, it's always good to make it bigger at first and then reduce it slowely until you are happy with it just like I did.
So the next step is to trace your pattern on the brown fur twice. (without the white tip) Make sure you trace it in the right direction of the piles. Then cut it out with like a centimeter of seam allowence. Then trace and cut out the tip off the white fur. I recommend using a box cutter for cutting the fur. By this you will avoid cutting the piles and it will do a way smaller mess.

Before you actually sew the tail, you can just pin it together, stuff it with some fabric (I used blanket) so you can see how will it look like. Then you can alter the tail if you're not completely happy with it. For example, as I already said, I thinned the top part and then I made the white tip again and bigger. (I also cutted a small piece of the brown part so it's still the same lenght)
Sewing part, yay! I watched this video about sewing furs and it was really helpful! So first just pin the white tip with the rest of the tail and sew it together with a zig zag stitch. It will make a invisible seam because the piles will cover everything. Make sure you push all the piles inside the tail so you don't sew over them. If you don't do that, the seam will be visible.
Then place the halves of your tail with the right sides together and again sew them together the same way you've sewed the tip. LEAVE THE TOP SIDE OPEN, so you can stuff it. After you stuff your tail, you are done and you can cuddle your new fluffy plushie. :3 (No, I definitely wasn't cuddling the tail during the whole convention... nooo. :D ROLEPLAY!) Then you can just close the top with vecro or something, I left it open because I don't mind it. :D
I'm sorry I don't have many photos of making of the tail :/

This will be a bit more tricky, but it's still something everyone can do. It's not perfect, but I'm pretty happy with it for the fact it was the first pair of ears I've ever made. :3

What will you need:
White faux fur
Brown faux fur
Craft foam
Hot glue
I got inspirated by this tutorial, it was really helpful. :3 First of all make the base for the ear base. Keep in mind it should be way smaller than the required size of the ear. With all the fur it will be a lot bigger. Then I glued fleece to the front of the base.

After that cut out the same piece of fur, again without the tip and a bit bigger on all the sides. Again - always make sure it's in the right direction of the piles! Then I cutted a really thin pieces of the white fur (about just a few milimeters) and glued like 3 layers to the side of the base to imitate the fluff the ear should have. Then I glued the brown fur to the whole back of the ear and on the sides I made i a bit longer and folded the rest so it covers the wrong side of the fur. Then I glued the bottom and the top of the folded fur so there's not a hole.

Then cut out the white tip and glue it on the top of the ear. This was the most tricky part of the whole making of the ear, so be careful. It should be bigger on the sides again and you should fold it the same way like you folded the brown part.
Then I reduced the lenght of the brown piles by scissors. (Cut it the same way like you're cutting wigs - vertically, not horizontaly) and sprayed it over with a hairspray so it holds its shape and the tip is just as fluffy as Holo's. :3

The last step is attaching the ears and it's completely up to you. You can either glue it on pins/headband/hairclip or you can sew it on the wig. I preffer the sewing method, but if you want to use your wig also for different characters, not only Holo, you will probably preffer the other method. You can also wash the wig easily, because of the removable ears. If you want to sew the ears on, just handsew it onto the wig, there's nothing special to explain I guess.
If you use this removable method, please use some strong glue, NOT HOTGLUE, I used hotglue to glue the whole thing together and it's great for that, but it will not hold on pins/headband/hairclip because it's not working well with things that are stressed. I tried to glue it on pins and it always fell off almost immidiately while I was trying to take the ears on.
Well, and we are done! I hope it was helpful or atleast interesting to someone. :3 If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask, I will try to help you as much as I can! Thank you so much for reading this whole thing! See ya next time! c(: